Friday, 24 April 2015

LADIES; Things men don't understand about you

There are many times when the woman in a relationship feels she is not with the right one.
According to the ladies, they expect their man to understand exactly how they are feeling and compromise with the situation. But men just can’t get through with that. 

There are certain things boyfriend just doesn’t understand and this makes the woman feel so out of place. No doubt, women can at times be a little confused. But, this is not the point! Men just find it lazy to put themselves in their girlfriend’s shoes and understand the situation. Therefore, Boldsky has summarised some of the things a boyfriend just doesn’t understand in a woman.

If you are one of these guys under this category, then feel free to let us know if there are more things you have come across. Take a look at the 12 things we think that all boyfriends just don’t understand.

12) Twisted Questions

Women love to question their man from time to time and men just cannot see the real thing. Most women question their men deeply and men just never get what they are actually implying

11) Hints 

Ladies, if you are subtly hinting at your man for something, it is of no use, because they don’t have the power to read your mind! It is better to be up front and tell them what you want instead of beating around the bush.

10) Being Quiet

If something is in your head and want him to just magically know, it will never happen. This is one of the things your boyfriend doesn’t understand. He might just think you are sick!

9) Uncertain Decisions

This gets men confused all the time. Men just don’t take the pain to understand why their girls make uncertain decisions. Their reason is that women change their mind constantly, so why bother.

8) Mood Swings

Mood swings which happen just once in a month are usually never understood by men. This is one of the things your boyfriend doesn’t understand. If you have a woman in your life, understanding mood swings is important. Just like how women do it!

7) Their Headaches

The constant headaches is rather funny for men. According to men, women tend to have headaches for all the wrong reasons and they (men) are supposed to understand them and have a cure too.

6) When There is PMS 

The history of PMS gets rather contusing for men, as some of them feel that women PMS the entire month. What can be quite annoying is this – when a woman gets moody or angry, men conclude they are PMSing. This is definitely one of the things your boyfriend doesn’t understand.

5) Adjustment Problems 

All men agree that women are fussy natured which is why they find it hard to adjust to the environment. However, men should understand that women are not comfortable in adjusting to unhygienic conditions as men are used to!

4) Insecurities

One of the things your boyfriend doesn’t understand in women is their constant feeling of insecurity. According to men, no matter how truthful you are with her, she still feels she is hanging on a loose thread’.

3) Why They Crib All The Time

They seem to crib 24/7 and for all the reasons possible. This is one of the things your boyfriend will never seem to understand no matter what. Even at times, women ponder over this thought.

2) Interference

Interfering when you are not supposed to is something that most boyfriend don’t understand. When it is not your cup of tea, why interfere, that’s what a man feels.

1) Shopping Spree

The long hours wasted on shopping is one of the things no boyfriend understands when he is in a relationship with a woman.

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